
@rtyler yeah I can see myself dropping #Signal quickly now. I have more friends and associates with #Telegram. Another app is going to sit in the dustbin unused. sadcat blobcatangery

@rtyler @salt the worst part is the export leaves your non-SMS messages behind, so now you have everything split and somewhat forced to keep signal if you want to retain the history.... bad user experience #Signal ... not happy. blobcatcaged

@salt @rtyler I've had plenty of @signalapp contacts that have come and gone as #signal users over the last 7 years that I've been using it as my default SMS client. I've donated and championed the use of Signal, but no longer.

Why do I want to export "my" entire message history? Well... besides it being my data and as a consumer, I should have control over my own data. Here's an example of why below. blobcatbusiness

When I did my export last night, it only grabbed the SMS messages. I now have a LOT of threads that are split in half between #SMS and half #Signal messages due to a user joining or closing their signal account over the many many years SMS has been supported.

So I'm being forced to effectively split a large portion of my past message history between two applications with zero ability to take a full export of "my data". blobcatcry

This feels very much like a lock-in tactic or holding my data for ransom more so than anything that will actually make the signal ecosystem better. blobcatcaged

Yours truly,

A sad, frustrated, and upset soon to be ex-Signal user. 🖖

Signal Backups :ablobcatcry:
@salt Thanks for sharing the link, although I was aware of the existing tools. ⚙️⛏️

While I'm thrilled that the community has stepped up to provide some tooling for what #Signal is lacking, this is neither sufficient nor does it have any bearing on the lack of consideration for their users that @signalapp is showing. It would be a simple matter to provide an option to "export all" or "export #SMS only", but obviously they would prefer to lock-in users' data. agummysad

cc: @rtyler