
John's | @[email protected]

¯\_😎_/¯ Bits and Bytes

Moved to: https://rewt.link/@johndotpub

@cleo @Jain Ahh yeah good point, and thanks for the correction. When I had my shielding down, they initially attributed the language to the server IP's locale.

Since re-enabling CF the language has since shifted, but you're right that they don't specifically call out location in the main display, just that it's behind a CDN.

blobcatgooglyshrug agummythink

@Jain From what I can tell they do locale detection for whatever IP they are hitting, regardless of whether that IP is Cloudflare or any other CDN endpoint. blobcatgooglyshrug

We may never be able to match the incredible achievements of , but the European Union still plays its part!

We are proud funders of Mastodon through the Next Generation Internet initiative (@EC_NGI).

Trust based.

More info: https://www.ngi.eu/blog/2022/11/24/how-ngi-supports-open-interoperable-decentralised-and-trust-based-internet-applications-through-fediverse-projects-like-mastodon/

I just discovered https://devhints.io/ and you should too!! ablobcatbongo Some great work by @rstacruz check it out! #sre #developer #cheatsheet #hacking

Ex-Amazon employees on the almost impressively cynical way Amazon smile started:

A lot of management is actually information management


There's been a huge increase in malicious ads on Google lately. In some cases the first 4-5 search results for certain pieces of software have all been malicious ads leading to info stealers.

More details:

No matter what Microsoft charges for ChatGPT it will be cheaper than a McKinsey consultant and that's why they're going to win.

There's a narrative that Mastodon is "losing users". Okay, what do the actual numbers say?

According to this MAU chart, active users has been consistent -- albeit volatile.

Activity is based on how foolish Elon Musk is being at any given moment.

Mastodon usage spikes whenever people perceive Twitter as dying.

Prior to November, there's been spikes. You can actually see this in April/May.

What's different this time is that people are staying.

MAU of Mastodon

Upgraded to the latest and this is looking *good*.

Very excited to be making progress with the rebuild of some of these jails

I know this isn't a simulation because there's no way you'd design Michigan like that.

Reproducing a bug with vnet jails on because dangit why does this bug exist:


@briankrebs I do quite enjoy DuckDuckGo's @duck.com disposable and randomized email addresses. Super useful for the not so important stuff as it strips tracking pixels. #Email #Protection and #Security blobcataww


@Quinnypig I love my #Flipper! If you've not seen this repo I highly recommend it as a resource for finding apps, firmware, etc... agummyparty

#Hacking #Security #FlipperOne 🐬


I want to record a reality TV show about the AWS billing system and call it “The Amazing Race Condition.”

Memo to the media: False equivalence is dangerous. https://robertreich.substack.com/p/false-equivalence-b30

this website for understanding Linux commands you paste in is so good https://explainshell.com/explain?cmd=nmap+-vvv+-sS+-p+1-65535+--max-retries%3D1+-oN+TARGET.txt+IP

nkoWave Hello and a goood meowing cat_hug_triangle Have a most wonderful day and stay safe! blobcatsnuggle

Just ignore the Friday the 13th thing, it's a cat holiday meowpumpkin meow blobcatgiggle

These shitty takes about FrontEnd being bloated go to far.

Now if you need me I'll be busy installing 14 node dependencies comprising 200MB of data to make the year in my copyright footer update itself…
